

 MY DREAM JOB IS TRAVELER . KEAMISARA PLOYBUT   6010553831  INTRO                 Hi! everyone my topic today is my dream job. I think that dream job and job in real life of many people maybe different. I was one among them. For me my dream job is traveler because I like to go to the various place, learn about the custom and culture of that place. I think that it make me happy and having fun. HIGHLIGHTING     To day will talk about preparation for tourism. I would like you to look at this slide.   CONTRASTING      It's slide show about preparing about tourism. It can be divided into 3 mains group.  EXPLANING AND INTERPRETING     First group is before the travel, this group is about find information such as travel place, transport. accommodation, budget or important documents. Second group is during the travel, this group about prepare of careful during the travel, To carry important documents with you all the time during the trip for emergency case. But t

Dream Job is Astronomer

My dream job is Astronomer นางสาวมีนา  พลีบัตร  6010554047  วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ Introducing and the chart.           when I was in grade 4 . I learnt about astronomy . I thought it was a very interesting . Because I knew How Earth was formed?. What The Solar system?.  What is the Galaxy?. It amazed me. . So I have  a little thing about astronomy to tell you.           I would like you to take a took at The bar chart which show The Diameter of the planets in Solar System . Highlighting           From the chart you can see that Jupiter is huge and  Mercury is small . Contrasting         You can see that Earth and Venus are  similar in size .  Uranus a little bigger than Neptune  and Mercury is smaller  than Mars. Explaining and interpreting          Y ou can see larger planets such as Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune are the planets which composed of gas.       Smaller planets such as Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars are planets that are composed  of 

Dream job : 6 engineering branches with the highest starting salary in 2016.

MY DREAM JOB plaifah buavichaisin 6010554004 The bar chart show show 6 engineering branches with the highest starting salary in 2016.              Hi everyone! In my presentation today, I will talking about Dream job. When i was a young .I think that money is the most important thing in life.  I want to have a lot of money. I have to buy happiness. Whether it's a car or a condo.    At the time, i think i go for it! find a career that will make me a millionaire   little. In that moment, a dream job that is a favorite of many people who are doctors, nurses, soldiers and engineering. Yes!!! I want to be an engineer. Why i choose?  i choose  engineer's salary is not little.I love the smell of money.      Intro I would like you to look at the side. The bar chart show 6 engineering branches with the highest starting salary in 2016. The National Association of Colleges website and Employers or NACE has done research and survey income undergrad

Skills of the pilot. (my dream job)

นางสาว ณิชาลักษณ์ สวัสดิสรณ์ 6010553946 วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ My dream job is PILOT     Intro      Hi every one.When i was young. I would like to be a pilot. Because it look nice and very cool. But becoming a pilot is more than just learn to fly. So what makes a professional pilot good at dose? Of course,a successful pilot is have a necessary trait and skills.  So today i’ll to talk about top 5 skills the pilot have in the experience flight training. A survey by Brown Aviation Lease determined that pilot come away from flight training with 5 skill confidence ,multi-tasking,time management,problem solving and adaptability.  Highlight      Look at this chart, you can see the confidence skill has more percentage than other skills. It has 72 percent so you see it is the most percent of 5 skills. In the other word the adaptability skill is the least of 5 skill , has 66 pecent. Contrasting     The different number of skill flight training between confidence and multi-tasking

No Kill, No Cut @ThapLan National Park

The Global conservation at Thap Lan National Park  Source : https://travel.mthai.com/blog/87210.html Thap Lan National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site facing extreme threats from poaching of endangered wildlife and rosewood. Global Conservation is seeking to raise funding for 3 year program (2016-2018) to achieve ‘No Kill, No Cut’ in the Thap Lan National Park in Thailand. This project will contribute to the conservation of the environment more seriously, no deforestation, no hunting. So it's make our country also has a forest and the animals are plentiful. And make our life will get better health. However, Thap Lan National park is one of the last major intact forests and wildlife habitats in Thailand so we should help preserve this best. 6010553831 6010554047 6010554071

Green University

6010554004 / 6010553946 RIDE A BICYCLE IN KU Kasetsart University, has been selected as green University at # 3 of the Thailand and   # 54 of the world. All over the world to join the ranking this year all 407 Institute. The Thai educational institutions in all 19 Institute by scoring 6 factors such as location and infrastructure 15% energy and climate change 21% waste management 18% using these 10% transport 18% and education 18%. Let's talking to location and infrastructure of the University, there is a campaign to promote ride a bicycle , Students use bicycles to transport even more In order to keep the internal environment of the University and to the health of students with .The bikes within the University has managed to cover the entire University. In the matter of the streets for cycling and the parking spot, etc. PICTURE FROM http://www.ku.ac.th/web2012/index.php?c=adms&m=seltab_th&time=20171101085914&page=%A2%E8%D2%C7%CA%D2%C3%E1%C5%D0%A1%D4%A8%A

The rise of street art style in bangkok.

Today we are going to talk about style of street art in Bangkok,So! Let's start!! 1.G raffiti style   Mural painting executed by any of various techniques . street art is visible to everyone, everyday and are here to stay - as long as the old walls used as canvas are left standing. Example : Saen Seap canal You can find graffiti style works all along the walls on both sides of this canal. It sees a lot of human traffic as there is a ferry pier right at the bridge, and there is a small park on the opposite side of the river with more works. 2.Tag style Tag is a type of street art. Its meaning is the signature or name of the individual. a quick spray cans or various pen. In Bangkok is a popular . Examples: Chalerm La park Chalerm La park is celebrating with paints his own name, a pseudonym based on a design, the various characters and striking-out tag a point that feels both negative and positive. In the negative, Netizens believe that paints